November 25th, 2014
If mobile is part of your digital strategy -- and it should be now that 60% of Internet traffic is with a mobile device -- you need to care about Facebook. Simply put, Facebook is massive -- currently 1.32 billion monthly users with 63% of users returning each day. And those adult users spend more than 1/3 of their social network time on Facebook. What's more, nearly all those visits are with a mobile device like a smartphone.
Mobile advertising continues to skyrocket, on pace this year to grow 75% to nearly $32B. Soon, it will account for nearly one-quarter of total digital ad spending worldwide. How did this happen so quickly? One word -- Facebook. While Facebook has been around since 2004, their mobile ads first began in 2012. Today, Facebook attracts 21% of all mobile advertising dollars. Combined with Google's 47% share, that means 2/3 of every mobile advertising dollar is spent with one of these two giants...and it is growing.
For the advertiser or marketer that wants to catch the attention -- and dollar -- of elusive consumers, Facebook dominates as a critical consideration for their mobile strategy.
We first reported several years ago that less than 10% of Facebook fans will ever see any given post. What's worse, Facebook announced that going into 2015 they will curtail unpaid promotional posts by brands even more -- you can now expect only 2% of Facebook fans will see those posts.
This move makes sense given that the average user has hundreds if not thousands of daily posts to view from their friends, let alone brands they like. Facebook wants to display relevant posts; your post promoting your new product, service, or offer is probably the least relevant one. That is, unless you pay to play. That's where understanding Facebook advertising matters.
So how do you get started with Facebook Advertising? SHERPA explains everything you need to know about Facebook advertising in this video.
Need help planning your Facebook advertising effort, optimizing your current Facebook campaign, or mobile marketing strategy in general? Schedule a call with SHERPA and we will guide you along your way.