avg. 30-day website uptime
days uninterrupted service
avg. ticket response time
Our team of certified web experts stands ready to carry the burden of support, maintenance, and upgrades to your web application. We are often asked to rescue a project or take-over support from another vendor's failed efforts. We invest the time to understand your web application is connected to your business, including how it serves your business objectives.
Your dedicated team is only a chat or click away, ready to resolve tasks quickly, efficiently, and personably -- we will ROCK you!
Let's talk about how SHERPA can fully manage & maintain your online ecosystem, whether for custom web applications, Statamic development or real-time WordPress-as-a-Service subscriptions.
“ The individuals you work with—whether the technical backend people or the person managing your account—are going to give you a great experience; they do whatever they can do to make sure your needs are met.
– Communications & Marketing Manager