Facebook Fanpages Get New Layout

  February 10th, 2011

Facebook is offering Fanpage admins to option to upgrade the layout and feature-set of their fanpages. The new lay-out unifies the UI for Facebook, bringing Fanpages inline with the layout of personal profile pages.

Facebook fanpage upgrade announcement

Photos on Top

The most noticeable difference is that photos are not visible at the top of the page. While this isn't new to those who updated their profile pages in December 2010, or Fanpages that have updated to Places, it is the most visual change in the new lay-out. The newest photos that are added by admins will appear in this area, with a hover-over option for each photo to delete it from this area (but not delete the actual photo). Admins can decide if they want only their uploaded photos to appear here or the fan's photos, too.

Navigation on the Left

The new layout moves the tab navigation to the left of the screen. As a result, the number of navigation options that appear decreases.

NOTE: If you have a specially designed tab note that the width of the content area has been reduced. You will need to update the content of your pre-existing tabs to fit these new dimensions or face the wrath of The Clip.

Surf Facebook as a Brand

This is our favorite feature -- you can now navigate all of Facebook logged in as the Brand. In other words, Fanpages are becoming people!

  • Like other pages and feature them on your page
  • See activity from the pages you like in your news feed
  • Make comments as your page on other pages
  • Get notifications when fans interact with your page or posts

What do you think? Do you like the new changes? Have you run into any problems?
