Only 10 percent of Facebook fans will ever see a post on any given day. What's more, the more fans you build, the fewer that will see your posts — among Facebook pages with a million likers or more, less than three percent of their fans are seeing their posts daily.
Why such abysmal numbers? Whether or not your fan will ever see one of your posts is based on several factors, including:
- How often do they engage your posts? If rarely, it's possible they never will again even if they are fans. Their past behavior dictates what they will see in the future.
- How many other fan pages do they subscribe? A serial-fanner won't see a post from every fan page they subscribe. If your fan is also a fan of a lot of other pages, there is only so much real estate to display your posts.
- Have they hid you from their news feed? A low viewership percentage may indicate your fans have been driven to hidding your bad content from their news feed. It could have been worse — they could have unliked your fanpage.
- You are posting at the wrong time of the day. A post has a relatively short-lived existence before it disappears from news feeds. Your goal is to ensure you post at the times with the most engaged viewership, not necessarily the most viewers. Sure, Friday night is a busy time on Facebook, but most of this engagement is photo sharing and status updating, not necessarily Fanpage post reading.
- You are not posting enough. Think about it, your daily post is still only getting to only 10% of your fan-bases. That means it could possibly take up to 10 daily postings to get to all your fans, assuming you were able to appear every time. Consider testing daily posts and measure its effect.
Ultimately, the number of fans you have is a meaningless number. Instead, the question should be what percentage of fans view your posts? Engage them with a comment or like? Or the Holy Grail — share the post?