March 25th, 2009
Twitter is, at its core, a free tool for helping people connect and converse. Let’s break that down:
Twitter is free -- the Twitter service and website is free (although the cell phone providers and third-party tools may charge additional fees). Within minutes you can set up an account on Twitter, create a profile page with your corporate logo and brand message, and start tweeting.
Twitter a tool – as with any tool, its benefit is all in how you use it. We will get to business uses of Twitter shortly.
Twitter for people – never forget that your subscribers are people. They are not dollar signs. When they select to follow your tweets, they want a personal relationship with your brand, product, or service. They aren’t signing up to be bombarded with in-your-face advertising.
Twitter for connecting and conversing: There tend to be two type of Twitter users – those who use it as a pedestal to repeatedly proclaim how great their brand/product/service is (not successful) and those who engage in conversation and provide meaningful information (successful). Be the latter.
If you were seeking a free, inexpensive means to connect and converse with both potential and return customers, Twitter is for your business.
Next time we will discuss how businesses can make the best use of Twitter.