Adding a New User

NPressive v2 utilizes its own credentials system. Therefore, every person that will access it will need their own user account. Whenever you try to add a user, the application will guide you through a 3-step process.

Important Clarifications

All new user accounts require four individual fields:

  1. first name

  2. last name

  3. email

  4. mobile number.

All other fields are optional.

How to Use

  1. Once logged into the application, select Add Item button to display a menu.

  2. Select Add User button. This will initiate an Add User stepped process.

  3. Enter in the required entry for any new user -- first name, last name, email, and mobile number.

  4. Optionally, select Categories for the new user. This will be helpful for future segmenting of users.

  5. If the user pays for access -- whether online or invoice -- select the Is This a Paid Membership checkbox.

  6. Optionally, assign the new user to a Grouping as a regular member or as a manager.

  7. Optionally, select the "Notify user of their new user account" toggle to email them; you can modify the message as well.

If you selected to notify the user, the user will receive an email personalized with their first name, inviting them set their password; this is necessary before they can access the application.

Last modified on February 3rd, 2022