Upload a File to the Library
This article shows you how to upload a file to the library in an NPressive instance.
Step 1: Add Item Button
Select the Add Item Button in the upper-right corner of your screen.
Step 2: Library Asset Card
The Add Item Drawer slides open from the right side of your screen.
Select the Library Asset Card.
Step 3: Define a Library Asset
The upload modal opens and displays the Define a Library Asset View.
Enter a name for your file in the Name Field.
Enter a description in the Description Text Area.
Select a category for your file from the Categories Dropdown.
Select the Next Button.
Step 4: Set Access & Permission
By default, All Users is selected in the Users allowed to view Field. If you want to modify who can view this file, select the Red X to the left of the All Users Nametag and enter three characters in the name of the user you'd like to grant access to view the file. Repeat to give additional members permission to view the file
By default, your profile displays in the Users allowed to manage Field. You can additional managers for this file by entering three characters in a member's name and selecting their Nametag from the returned results.
Select the Next Button.
Step 5: Add Content to the Asset
Select the Radio Button in the Language Section for the content you're adding.
If you want to enter your content directly into the asset, you can type or paste it into the Content Text Area and use the toolbar to format it.
If you want to upload a file, you can choose it from your computer with the Upload Button in the Attachments Section.
Select the Next Button.
Step 6: Add a Custom Message
When you share your file with your selected members, you can customize the text in the Subject and Message Fields by selecting them and typing.
Please note: In order for your selected members to receive a notification that the file has been added, you must select the Checkbox to the left of Notify user of their membership to this Asset below the Message.
Select the Finish Button.
Step 7: Success
You should see a Hooray Success Message that tells you the following:
Asset successfully created
X users/groups set as Member
X users/groups set as a manager
X notifications were sent (unless you didn't select the checkbox to notify users)
You can view your file by selecting the View Asset Button at the bottom-right side of the modal.